Promoting the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Chagas Disease

About The Chagas Disease Foundation

Our Goals and Vision

The Chagas Disease Foundation was established to promote the diagnosis, control, prevention, and treatment of Chagas disease. The Foundation uses its resources disseminate information on Chagas disease, to provide resources to those suffering from Chagas disease and to help promote the development of policies for the sustainable prevention of Chagas disease.

Why a foundation for Chagas disease?

Chagas disease has been described as the most neglected of all neglected tropical diseases – a  depressing assessment.  The Chagas Disease Foundation grew out of a concern with this current situation and the relative lack of attention and effort that the disease receives.  Our efforts begin with education and establishing research and implementation priorities.  We believe that significant and rapid progress on the detection, treatment and prevention of Chagas disease is possible, but only with better information, more collaborations and greater funding for research, training and intervention efforts. Our hope is that by raising awareness we can generate more resources to combat Chagas disease and are exploring innovative approaches to generating these resources.  We believe that Chagas disease is a solvable problem.